After the heavy rain in spring, delicious bamboo shoots began to emerge, have you tried it?

The southern region has abundant and frequent rainfall in spring, and the hot and humid weather is conducive to the growth of bamboo shoots. Therefore, many bamboo shoots emerge from the ground after the rain in spring.
Peel off the outer layer of bamboo shoots, and you can see the tender bamboo shoots. Some very long bamboo shoots are old, and the hard and old at the bottom should be removed, leaving the tender upper part. If you can't judge whether it is old or tender, you can pinch up from the bottom of the bamboo shoots section by section. If you pinch hard, it is old. Also, older parts tend to be dark green.
Even if bamboo shoots grow in the same mountain, different fertile soils have different effects on the thickness of bamboo shoots.
Bamboo shoots in barren land grow thin and slender. Bamboo shoots in fertile land are short and fat, and grow large. For example, these white and plump bamboo shoots in the picture below. They grow in the same mountain as the bamboo shoots in the first photo.
Fresh bamboo shoots that have been peeled off
Bamboo shoots need to be blanched. After blanching, they will become soft and can be easily torn by hand. Tear them into long strips and soak them in cold water.
Bamboo shoots contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to the human body and are rich in nutrients. Such as amino acids, carbohydrates, carotene and so on.
It is also very simple to make. It can be used to fry or even make soup with spare ribs. It is the easiest to fry and eat. You can mix and match ingredients according to your own preferences, place ingredients at will, and so on.
As a food documentary "A Bite of China" said: "High-end ingredients often only require the simplest way of cooking." Just like the picture below, simply heat the oil in a pot, add garlic slices, add salt and soy sauce and fry it, it will be delicious.
If you can eat spicy food, it is also very good to add some chili as an accessory, it tastes spicy and fragrant. If you can't eat spicy food, you can also use it to cook with other melons, vegetables, meat, etc., or simply cook it without adding ingredients, because it is delicious by itself.
In this season of bamboo shoots growing, have you also had a taste bud encounter with fresh bamboo shoots?


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