Bamboo shoots pave the road to green prosperity in Le'an

The spring is bright, and the sprouts are breaking ground. In the Forest Food Industrial Park of Le'an County, the Le'an bamboo shoot intensive processing project with an annual output of 20,000 tons has recently been put into trial production. In recent years, relying on its resource advantages, Le'an County has made the bamboo shoot industry bigger and better, and promoted the bamboo shoot industry to move towards the goal of an annual output value of 5 billion yuan.
Le'an is a major forestry county in the province, with a forest coverage rate of 70.24%. The county has a bamboo forest area of ​​402,000 mu. How to open up the "two mountains" conversion channel and promote the realization of the value of ecological products? The Le'an bamboo shoot industry has embarked on a path of innovation.
Right now is the peak season of spring bamboo harvesting. Chen Bingshu, a villager in Shuikou Village, Gugang Township, Le'an County, gets up every day at around 6 o'clock to dig and transport bamboo shoots in his 200-acre Bamboo Forest Mountain. The spring bamboo shoots are sent to Jiangxi Guangya Food Co., Ltd. in the county seat. "Now, our village can harvest more than 10,000 kilograms of bamboo shoots every day. The whole bamboo shoot cycle is about a month, and I don't have to worry about selling as many bamboo shoots as I have dug." Uncle Chen Bing said happily.
Bamboo shoots do not have to worry about sales, thanks to the county's establishment of a forest food industrial park, which vigorously supports food processing enterprises to upgrade and upgrade in new product research and development, process improvement, etc. At present, there are 4 large-scale bamboo shoot processing enterprises with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan in Le'an County, including 1 national-level leading processing enterprise, and more than 20 other bamboo shoot planting and small processing enterprises and cooperatives. Exported to Europe, America and Southeast Asia.
Le'an bamboo shoots are national geographical indication products and the first batch of mutually recognized products between China and Europe. Last year, the county produced and processed more than 190,000 tons of bamboo shoots. The total annual output value of the bamboo shoot industry reached 2.28 billion yuan, and the brand value reached 1.29 billion yuan. Bamboo shoot processing enterprises have directly placed more than 500 people for employment, helped and driven more than 20,000 farmers in mountainous areas to develop characteristic planting industries, and effectively promoted farmers to increase their income and become rich.
"The Le'an bamboo shoot intensive processing project with an annual output of 20,000 tons was put into trial production, and more than 6 million yuan was invested to build the country's first bamboo shoot cultural center, which is to promote the integrated development of bamboo shoots' primary, secondary and tertiary industries." Dengxian, chairman of the Le'an County Bamboo Shoot Industrialization Consortium Yuan Chuanming, chairman of Bridge Food Development Co., Ltd. In order to explore the culture of bamboo shoots in Le'an, the company sent staff to visit the bamboo shoot planting bases and bamboo shoot rough processing farmers in the county, to collect farmers' traditional techniques and tools for planting and processing bamboo shoots, and to learn bamboo weaving craftsmanship from the old craftsmen. At present, the county has built the Le'an Bamboo Shoot Culture Center with an area of ​​about 1,200 square meters. In the next step, the Le'an Bamboo Shoot Cultural Center, the labor experience area, the bamboo shoot cultural wall and other places and facilities will be used to carry out industrial culture research and experience activities.
It is understood that the bamboo shoot processing industry in Le'an has a history of more than 20 years, and some enterprises have become the industry leaders. In recent years, Le'an County has vigorously cultivated and developed rural tourism based on bamboo shoot resources, bamboo shoot culture, and farmhouse culture, turning resource advantages into economic advantages. At the same time, the county launched the first Le'an Bamboo Shoot Folk Culture Festival in 2022, and launched a series of publicity and promotion activities such as the Bamboo Shoot King Contest, the Net Red Bamboo Shoot Banquet and the Bamboo Shoot Short Video Online Competition, so as to maximize the value of the ecological products of the bamboo shoot industry.
According to reports, Le'an County will vigorously develop the forest economy such as moso bamboo and camellia oleifera, explore the establishment of a risk compensation fund for the realization of ecological product value, carry out carbon sink transactions in an orderly manner, promote more forest resources to become assets, and make the "two mountains" conversion channel wider. , more sustainable and safer, to achieve ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and prosperity of the people.


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