Scientific purchase and edible bamboo shoots

The spring is just right, it is the time when the spring bamboo shoots are racing to break the ground. The poet Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty wrote the poem "Countless bamboo shoots fill the forest". Bamboo shoots are swollen buds or differentiated stems formed by the germination and differentiation of buds on bamboo whips or stalk bases.
Bamboo shoots are thick, white, tender, fragrant and delicious, and can be used in a variety of ways, such as braised spring bamboo shoots, fried pork with bamboo shoots, pickled fresh, and braised spring bamboo shoots with mushrooms. lover.
Bamboo shoots have strong adaptability and are widely distributed in my country, especially in Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan. Bamboo shoots are available all year round. According to the growing season, they can be divided into three categories: spring bamboo shoots, whip bamboo shoots and winter bamboo shoots. Among them, spring bamboo shoots and winter bamboo shoots taste the best, while whip bamboo shoots have a slightly sweet taste and grow vigorously in summer and autumn.
"Five Look" Skillfully Choose Bamboo Shoots
At first glance, choose fresh bamboo shoots with moderate size, firm and full shape, large bottom diameter and small tail, and no rotting and deterioration.
Second, look at the fresh bamboo shoots with a complete shell, golden yellow or light yellow with a pinkish color, and the bamboo shoots are more tender.
Third, the closer the distance between the bamboo shoots and the bamboo shoots, the more tender the bamboo shoots are.
Looking at the "mole" around the root of the bamboo shoots, the bamboo shoots that are white and pearly are more tender, and the bamboo shoots that are dark red or dark purple with the "mole" are older.
5. Look at the bamboo shoots. The whiter the bamboo shoots are, the crisper they are, the yellow is the second, and the green is worse.
Precautions for eating bamboo shoots
Before eating, fresh bamboo shoots contain more oxalic acid and tannic acid, and they will have a numb and astringent taste when eaten directly. It is recommended to blanch in hot water before cooking, and then soak in water, which can greatly reduce the content of oxalic acid and tannic acid in bamboo shoots and improve the taste.
Special populations need to be careful. Bamboo shoots contain more crude fiber, which can accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis. It is recommended that people with gastrointestinal diseases eat less; patients with stroke and cardiovascular diseases should eat less during medication; patients with liver cirrhosis should not eat as much as possible; People allergic to bamboo shoots should fast.
The scientific storage of bamboo shoots
Fresh bamboo shoots are easy to lignify, so consumers are advised to eat them as soon as possible after purchasing. If short-term storage is required, the following four methods can be used.
The sealed storage method is suitable for the storage of a small amount of unshelled bamboo shoots. Take a container or a plastic film bag, select the intact bamboo shoots and put them in the container or bag, seal the mouth of the container or tie the mouth of the bag tightly, reduce the evaporation of water from the bamboo shoots, inhibit the breathing of the bamboo shoots, and achieve the effect of keeping fresh.
The burial method is suitable for the storage of a large number of unshelled bamboo shoots. First spread a layer of moist sand on the bottom of the container, then put the bamboo shoots upright with the tips up, and then cover with the moist sand until the tips of the bamboo shoots are covered. Seal the container and keep it in a cool and ventilated place.
Brine soaking method Put the peeled bamboo shoots in a container, put a layer of bamboo shoots, lay a layer of table salt or coarse salt, add a lot of water after stacking, until the bamboo shoots are covered, press the bamboo shoots with a heavy object to prevent the bamboo shoots from exposing Water surface, sealed and placed in a cool and ventilated place.
Boil the chopped bamboo shoots in water for half an hour, then rinse them with water, put them in a fresh-keeping bag, seal them, and store them in the refrigerator at about 4°C. The bamboo shoots after the above treatment can also be dried and collected, and soaked in water when eating.
In addition, it is necessary to determine whether the stored bamboo shoots have deteriorated before eating. If it has deteriorated, do not eat it.
Reasonable choice of bamboo shoot products
In addition to fresh food, bamboo shoots can also be processed into various products, such as dried bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots, canned bamboo shoots, etc., to meet people's diverse needs. Consumers should pay attention to the following points when choosing.
Careful purchase should be purchased in regular supermarkets and other places to buy regular bamboo shoots products. Pay attention to check whether the packaging is in good condition, and ensure that there are no swelling bags, air leakage, etc. Pay attention to the information on the label, such as the name of the food. Don't one-sidedly pursue the color of the product. If you find a pungent smell, choose carefully.
To regulate the consumption of edible bamboo shoot products, please refer to the edible method on the product label. For example, canned winter bamboo shoots can be rinsed with water, cut into small pieces, and then eaten by frying, boiling or stewing.
Do not store bamboo shoots for a long time, store them according to the storage conditions indicated on the packaging, and consume them within the shelf life.
In addition, sulfur dioxide can be used in the production process of bamboo shoot products to play the role of antiseptic and bleaching, but its residue in bamboo shoot products should meet the relevant requirements of the "National Food Safety Standard for the Use of Food Additives" (GB2760-2014).


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