The benefits of bamboo shoots are many

Bamboo shoots have been regarded as "treasures in dishes" in my country since ancient times. Bamboo shoots are delicious and nutritious. In fact, bamboo shoots are rich in protein, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, and C. Each 100g of fresh bamboo shoots contains 9.79g of dry matter, 3.28g of protein, 4.47g of carbohydrates, 0.9g of cellulose, 0.13g of fat, 22mg of calcium, 56mg of phosphorus, and 0.1mg of iron. The content of various vitamins and carotene is higher than that of Chinese cabbage. More than twice as much; and the protein of bamboo shoots is superior, lysine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine necessary for the human body, and glutamic acid, which plays an important role in the process of protein metabolism, and the maintenance of protein configuration. The role of cystine has a certain content, which is an excellent health care vegetable.
Chinese medicine believes that bamboo shoots are sweet, slightly cold, and non-toxic. In medicinal use, it has the functions of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, benefiting qi and stomach, curing thirst, diuresis, and phlegm. Especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang people, worm-eaten bamboo shoots are used for medicinal purposes, named "worm bamboo shoots", which are effective diuretics, suitable for edema, ascites, beriberi, edema, acute nephritis, wheezing and cough, diabetes, thirst and fever, etc. Bamboo leaves, Bamboo Ru, Bamboo Li are used for medicinal purposes. Bamboo shoots also have the characteristics of low fat, low sugar and high fiber. Eating bamboo shoots can not only promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, eliminate food accumulation, prevent constipation, and prevent colorectal cancer. Bamboo shoots contain very little fat and starch. They are natural low-fat and low-calorie foods and are a good product for obese people to lose weight. Health experts believe that people living in bamboo forests live longer and rarely suffer from high blood pressure, which is related to the frequent eating of bamboo shoots.


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